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Many homeowners grapple with the question: do dehumidifiers use a lot of electricity? This concern is often fueled by the desire to maintain a comfortable indoor environment without escalating energy costs. 

Dehumidifiers are essential in regulating moisture levels, but how do they impact your electricity bill? 

While the average wattage of dehumidifiers (around 483.24W) may seem insignificant, extended usage can lead to substantial electricity consumption. For older models, this can be as high as 23.6 kWh per day. 

Our comprehensive guide explores different types of dehumidifiers, their electricity consumption, and effective ways to boost their energy efficiency.

Do Dehumidifiers Use a Lot of Electricity – Brief Guide

When understanding whether dehumidifiers consume a lot of electricity, it’s essential to look at the entire picture. 

The average wattage of 483.24W may sound like little, but the numbers add up when you factor in the long hours many dehumidifiers run. 

Older models can be particularly draining, consuming up to 23.6 kWh daily. Modern dehumidifiers have made significant strides in energy efficiency, offering the same humidity control at a fraction of the electricity cost. 

Also, smart strategies to minimize electricity consumption, such as optimal settings and regular maintenance, can make a difference without compromising performance.

Types of Dehumidifiers According to Their Wattage

Here we explore the two primary types of dehumidifiers: refrigerant and desiccant. It delves into their functions and typical wattage range and compares them regarding energy efficiency and suitability for various environments.

1. Refrigerant Dehumidifiers

Refrigerant dehumidifiers are widely used in homes and commercial spaces. They operate by cooling the air to condense moisture, which is then collected in a tank. The dry air is then reheated to room temperature and released back into the environment.

Generally, refrigerant dehumidifiers consume between 250 to 800 watts, depending on the model’s capacity and the room’s size.

2. Desiccant Dehumidifiers

Desiccant dehumidifiers use a desiccant material to absorb moisture from the air. They are particularly effective in cooler climates and often employed in industrial settings.

The wattage for desiccant dehumidifiers usually falls within the 350 to 900-watt range.

Comparison Between Types

  • Energy Efficiency: Desiccant dehumidifiers tend to be more energy-efficient in cooler environments, whereas refrigerant dehumidifiers perform better in warmer conditions. Selecting the right type for your specific environment can save both energy and money.
  • Suitability for Various Environments: Refrigerant dehumidifiers are best suited for residential or general indoor use, while desiccant dehumidifiers are preferred in industrial settings or areas with lower temperatures.

How Much Electricity Dehumidifiers Use?

Focusing on the factors affecting electricity consumption in dehumidifiers, this part provides insights into room size, humidity levels, and the dehumidifier’s capacity. It also includes methods for calculating electricity consumption and its cost implications.

Factors Affecting Electricity Consumption

  • Size of the Room: The larger the room, the more power a dehumidifier will require. Matching the dehumidifier’s capacity with the room size ensures optimal performance.
  • Humidity Level: Higher humidity levels require more energy to reduce the moisture content to a comfortable level.
  • Dehumidifier’s Capacity: Larger dehumidifiers consume more electricity but often work more efficiently in bigger spaces.

Calculating Electricity Consumption

  • Average Hourly Consumption: Most residential dehumidifiers consume around 0.3 to 0.5 kWh per hour, based on their size and settings.
  • Daily and Monthly Estimates: Understanding daily and monthly usage can help in calculating the cost implications.
  • Cost Implications: The average monthly cost varies, but understanding these costs can aid in choosing the most efficient dehumidifier for your needs.

Breaking Down the Energy Use of Dehumidifiers

Here is a comprehensive analysis of the electricity usage of dehumidifiers, with a detailed overview of average wattage and hourly usage.

It highlights the long-term impact of usage, comparisons with other appliances, and provides strategies to minimize consumption without compromising performance.

Overview of Electricity Usage

  • Average Wattage (483.24W): While the average wattage of dehumidifiers is 483.24W, this can vary based on model and size.
  • Hourly Usage (0.427 kWh): This translates to an average hourly usage of 0.427 kWh, which, though not substantial, can add up.

Long Duration Impact

  • Consumption up to 23.6 kWh per Day in Older Models: Older dehumidifiers can use a substantial amount of electricity. Upgrading to a modern version may bring significant savings.
  • Comparison with Other Household Appliances: Dehumidifiers typically consume less electricity than large appliances like air conditioners but more than smaller ones like fans.

Modern vs. Older Models

  • Efficiency Improvements in Newer Models: Modern dehumidifiers are designed to be more energy-efficient, thus reducing electricity consumption.
  • Potential Savings: By investing in newer, more efficient models, consumers can achieve noticeable savings on their electricity bills.

How to Boost the Energy Efficiency of Dehumidifiers?

Here are quick tips to boost the energy efficiency of dehumidifiers

Understanding Energy Ratings

Understanding the energy ratings of dehumidifiers is the first step toward boosting efficiency. Look for certifications and ratings that signal energy efficiency:

  • Energy Star Certification: Models with this certification meet energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ensuring they consume less energy.
  • Energy Efficiency Ratios (EER): The EER of a dehumidifier provides insight into how much power it consumes for the same level of performance. Higher EERs indicate better energy efficiency.

Optimizing Settings and Usage

Careful adjustment of settings can drastically improve the efficiency of your dehumidifier:

  • Ideal Humidity Settings: Set the dehumidifier to optimal humidity levels, usually around 40-50%. This avoids overuse and unnecessary power consumption.
  • Timers and Automatic Shut-Off Features: Use timers and automatic shut-off features to control when the dehumidifier operates, minimizing energy usage during unnecessary times.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Regular maintenance is vital for the efficient functioning of dehumidifiers:

  • Regular Cleaning: Keeping filters and coils clean ensures the machine’s efficient operation, reducing power consumption.
  • Replacing Filters: Filters should be replaced or cleaned as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain peak efficiency.

Investing in Energy-Efficient Models

When it’s time to upgrade or invest in a new dehumidifier, focusing on energy-efficient options can lead to significant savings:

  • Comparing Options: Research various models, focusing on efficiency ratings, features, and customer reviews to find the most energy-efficient option for your needs.
  • Return on Investment Analysis: Consider the long-term savings of a more energy-efficient model. While the upfront cost might be higher, the return on investment through reduced energy bills can make it a smart financial decision.

Utilizing Smart Technology

Modern dehumidifiers often come equipped with smart technology that can further enhance energy efficiency:

  • Smart Sensors: These sensors can detect humidity levels and automatically adjust settings, ensuring the dehumidifier operates only when needed.
  • Integration with Smart Home Systems: Connecting your dehumidifier to a smart home system allows for more precise control and monitoring, optimizing its performance and efficiency.

By following these steps, you can boost your dehumidifier’s energy efficiency, saving electricity and money. 

It requires understanding energy ratings, optimizing settings, regular maintenance, smart investment in energy-efficient models, and utilizing smart technology where applicable.


The question, “do dehumidifiers use a lot of electricity”, is complex and depends on factors such as the dehumidifier’s type, age, and usage habits. 

While they can consume a considerable amount of electricity, especially in older models, the story continues. 

Smart choices in settings, regular maintenance, understanding energy ratings, and investing in energy-efficient models can significantly reduce energy consumption. 

Embracing these practices allows you to enjoy the benefits of a well-humidified space without worrying about spiraling energy costs. The harmony between comfort and sustainability is within reach with just a little knowledge and effort.


What is the average wattage of dehumidifiers, and how does it relate to electricity consumption?

The environmental impact depends on the dehumidifier’s energy efficiency and your local energy source. Opting for energy-efficient models and following smart usage practices can minimize emissions and contribute to a greener home environment.

How can I make my dehumidifier more energy-efficient?

Boost energy efficiency by understanding your dehumidifier’s energy ratings, optimizing settings like humidity levels and timers, performing regular maintenance, and investing in Energy Star-certified or energy-efficient models.

How does the electricity consumption of modern dehumidifiers compare to older models?

Modern dehumidifiers often have improved energy efficiency over older models. Innovations in technology, Energy Star certification, and smart features can lead to significant electricity savings, even with extended usage.

What are the environmental implications of dehumidifier electricity consumption?

The environmental impact depends on the dehumidifier’s energy efficiency and your local energy source. Opting for energy-efficient models and following smart usage practices can minimize emissions and contribute to a greener home environment.